November 7, 2006

My India Checklist

A few weeks ago, Louise and I put together a list of things we want to do/experience by the time we leave India. Many of you know that I love lists and get immense satisfaction by putting a check next to a completed task. I guess that's the consultant in me. Fortunately, I have 6 months (only 5 months now!) to complete my list, while she has only 3. Here's my current list:
  • Go to an Indian wedding (Please note this does not say HAVE an Indian wedding. I will NOT be getting married here).
  • Get henna on my hands
  • Travel to Goa
  • Ride on a cool animal (other than a camel and elephant, which I have already done)
  • Learn basic Hindi
  • Visit the orphanage in Amritsar again

I'm sure I will add to this list over the course of the next few months, but this is a start. I'm already dreaming of trips to Kerala in the south and Kashmir in the north, so these should be on the list soon.

As for my progress, there hasn't been much to date. I have an invitation to a wedding, but I don't know if the timing will work out. And today I had my second Hindi lesson, so I am making some progress with that, although I really have to work on my pronunciation!

From time to time, I'll repost this list and let you know how I'm doing. And if you have any recommendations for me, please let me know!

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