May 7, 2007

Day 2 & 3: Annapolis

We spent this past weekend in Annapolis, Maryland. Although it's only 1 hour from my hometown and a nice weekend destination, I had never been there before. On Saturday we were greeted with cold, rainy weather, but Sunday turned out to be quite nice.

First we explored the campus of the U.S. Naval Academy and the Maryland State Capitol. In the evening, we went on a sailboat cruise on the Chesapeake Bay. As it turns out, the schooner we cruised on is the same one featured in the movie Wedding Crashers. Despite the cold weather, our time on the water was beautiful and lots of fun.

Next stop: Pittsburgh


Unknown said...

The boat ride looks awesome, but is Ani wearing "pink"? Chanda, did you lend him your sweatshirt? :)

Traveling Hoya said...

It is definitely pink. He wanted to blend in with all of the other preppies in Annapolis!