January 9, 2007

Not One Blog, but Two

I now have a second blog. I've been asked to create and Accenture blog to be used as an online recruiting tool. There are currently two analysts maintain blogs about their career experiences, as I've been asked to do the same as someone who's worked for the company for a few (well, 6) years.

I just submitted my first entry, but it's not up yet because it has to go through the corporate sensors. I'm sure it will be up in the next day or two and I'll be sure to post the link for all of you to check out. The posts that are currently there are from a guy who used to maintain this blog.

I'm sure it won't be as thrilling and exciting as this one, since it's supposed to be focused on my career, not my personal life and trips around India. But in any case, you may find it kind of interesting, so be sure to take a look.

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