April 22, 2009

Summertime in the City

The summer is officially here and it came quickly and without warning. Last week, temperatures reached 42C, which is about 108F! Central and Eastern India are experiencing an early heat wave, with temperatures reaching 45C in some places.

The strain on the power supply is also apparent. Yesterday, our power went out several times for just a few minutes in both the morning and evening (and probably during the day too, but we weren't here to experience it). Fortunately, we have an inverter, so we have some power even during outages (but no AC). But the best part of this is that our internet connection works even when the power's out.

While there are many things I hate about the summer (sweating the moment I walk outside, the ants that appear in my kitchen, power outages), I've decided to focus on the things I love about the summer.

Things I love about summer in India:

- Fresh mangoes, mango juice, mango shakes
- Not having to turn the geyser (hot water heater) on because the sun and heat do it for you

So, that's all I've got for now, but hopefully the list will grow as I prepare to deal with the summer heat. Wish me luck.


Brooke said...

I hear you! I am dreading the oncoming summer heat here but for the time being, we're enjoying a nice, crisp 35 degrees. :-)

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear it is already hot there, but glad you are looking on the bright side. Was fun catching up tonight...can't wait to continue the conversation soon!