August 31, 2008

Dinner with Rauhl Gandhi

...well, not really.

But I did have my first Indian celebrity sighting on Friday night. Ani and I had just finished dinner at our favorite restaurant, Smokehouse Grill. As we got up from the table, we noticed Rahul Gandhi sitting just a few tables away. To our surprise, he wasn't surrounded by a massive security detail, like most Indian politicians and celebrities.

The 38-year old Rahul Gandhi is the "heir" to the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty. He's the son of Rajiv (former Prime Minister) and Sonia (current head of the Congress Party) Gandhi, grandson of Indira Gandhi (former Prime Minister), great-grandson of Jawaharlal Nehru (India's first Prime Minister) and great-great-grandson of Motilal Nehru (leader of the Indian independence movement).

A long and distinguished family history.

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