May 19, 2008


I'm always amazed at how people can speak the same language, but use words so differently. With some help, I've compiled a list of what I think are funny Indian words and phrases. Some of these are simply not proper words. Others are real words, but not ones I'm used to hearing or words that are used in a completely different context.

Can you make sense of these?
  • upgradation/downgradation - Please confirm you would like an upgradation to business class.
  • good name - What is your good name? My good name is Chanda.
  • absconding - A case has been registered and the accused is now absconding.
  • prepone - I will need to prepone of meeting by 30 minutes. Logical, but not a word!
  • only - Where are you from? I'm from Delhi only. Only what?!? I've finally learned that it sort of means just, but this still doesn't make much sense to me.
  • fortnight - We will have a meeting every fortnight. I know this is a word, but I swear I'd only seen it in literature before coming to India. Now I use it all the time. But every time I say it, I giggle.
  • issueless/no issues - This is specific to matrimonials and indicates that a woman has no children. So I guess children = issues.
  • deboarding - Watch your step as you deboard from the train. I heard this on the Delhi Metro a few days ago.
  • next to next/last to last - We're going on vacation next to next week (in 2 weeks). Last to last year we traveled to the US (2 years ago).
  • expired - He expired last night but the cause is unknown.
  • cum - I bought a new sofa cum bed for my living room.
  • the same, the needful, revert - I can even use the last three words in one sentence! Please do the needful and revert to me with the same.


Brooke said...

Fantastic post Chan - you know how I love vocabulary.

Prepone is officially my new favorite word!! So practical.

Also, the only context I have ever heard/seen "fortnight" is in Jane Austen novels, The Economist, and out of the mouth of the Wimbledon and Olympics tv analysts.

Anonymous said...

Good call on Wimbledon analysts - definitely the only time I've heard it used, and ususally in the context of how many times it has rained during the fortnight...

Unknown said...

I have to agree that prepone is a definite favorite.

Traveling Hoya said...

I just hope I don't start saying prepone. Honestly, everyone says it.

A new one is "hooch," which I guess is another word for moonshine. There was just a hooch tragedy in Bangalore: That's a good one.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chanda & Ani,

Funny :)..yup some of the words aren't words at all but oh so practical. Vocab in India tends to include words, which I guess,are more popular in Britain (colonial hangover and all that). Also, hooch I think is a kind of an alcohol (illegally made, so many times methanol instead if ethanol)