October 18, 2006

A Few Things I've Seen and Experienced

Here are a few comments on things I seen, experienced or discovered over the past 10 days that I think are humorous enough or interesting enough to share:

  • I thought driving was chaotic in some of the other cities I have visited, but none of them compare to Delhi. The rule of thumb that everyone seems to obey is that larger vehicles have the right of way. Therefore, the pecking order is as follows: trucks and buses, cars, rickshaws, motorbikes, bicycles, then finally people.
  • My morning commute to the office via auto-rickshaw is one of the coolest (and probably most dangerous) I've ever experienced. But it's also one of the cheapest - only 40 rupees (or 88 cents).
  • The coffee machine in the Accenture office also dispenses tomato soup.
  • My name means 'moon' in Hindi. I knew this before I arrived, but numerous people have felt obligated to inform me.
  • Women in sarees can ride comfortably on the back of a motorbike.
  • Horns are used signal your presence, not to warn of danger. If you want to visit Delhi, you better get used to the incessant sound of horns.
  • You have to look to the right here when crossing streets (imagine that!) in order to avoid being hit! This is really taking some getting used to.
  • My English language skills are suffering since I now speak in broken English in order to communicate with the auto-rickshaw and taxi drivers. It seems to be the only way they can understand you.
  • Baywatch and Oprah are always on TV and can be viewed at almost any time of day.
  • Keeping your hands and feet clean is nearly impossible here. You just get used to being dirty.


Anonymous said...

yeah for delhi - glad you are having fun. I just wanted to add one more thing to the pecking order of traffic rules that I remember from India. Cows always had the right of way. :-)

Kelly O'K

Traveling Hoya said...

Yes, yes, cows. You are very correct. Cows always have the right of way.

And by the way, when I come home, I am having a beef feast and only eating steak and burgers!!