October 26, 2006

Driving Rules

I spent a lot of time riding in the car today, traveling between offices, so it inspired me to come up with a list of key driving rules in India. I don’t have the courage to ever get behind the wheel here, but if you do, here are some things to keep in mind.
  • First and foremost, the larger vehicle has the right of way. A mere mortal is no match for a speeding bus.
  • Using your horn is a must. Without it others won’t know you are there.
  • The more you honk, the faster you will get where you are going.
  • Lanes are merely suggestions. You are welcome to drive across two lanes, if you prefer. Driving in the oncoming traffic lane is also acceptable.
  • Red lights have no meaning, especially at night. If you don’t see a car in the intersection, then you are allowed to drive right through – no stop required.
  • Women cannot get injured on a motorbike, only men can. This must be the case since women never wear helmets, only men do.
  • If the turning lane has a long line, you can just form a second turning lane and squeeze your way to the front.
  • Side-view mirrors are a hassle. Most are either turned in or were knocked off long ago. If you leave them turned out, you run the risk of a having a passing motorbike smash it. (This actually happened to a car I was in last week).
  • When traveling by bus, rickshaw or motorbike, passengers are expected to assist with the driving by sticking their bodies out the windows to signal left and right turns and lane changes.
  • If crossing a busy road, you may be able to stop traffic long enough to cross just by sticking your hand out, but there are no guarantees.
  • If for some reason, you are stopped by the police, you can always bribe your way out of it. Good to know.

Despite these rules, I have only seen two accidents on the side of the road and only one of these involved blood. Good luck on the roads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chan,

Hello from Buffalo! We are missing you long time. Dress shopping went well. We narrowed it down to two dresses. That's what Jen, Brooke and Kelly will be wearing. Because you and Hosmer aren't here, we will fit you with potato sacks. Sorry!

We are currently on bottle #5. We also wreaked havoc on a pile of wings and a ginormous pizza. You are missed.

Take care of the sacred cows...

Hugs, Diane, Kelly, Jen and Brooke