Well, after 1 year of being back in Delhi and in the same apartment, we finally decided to do a bit of decorating by hanging a few things on the walls.

We also ordered a custom-made dresser for our bedroom to use in place of the too small and poorly made wardrobe. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait another 3 weeks for it to be delievered. But we didn't leave the shop empty-handed that day...we did buy a small wooden shelf for the living room.
For now, you can check out a few photos of the living room and bedroom with our newly hung artwork. While this isn't the final result, it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Man, you beat me to the punch. I was going to post some photogs of my place this week too. I stole my neighbor's drill and have been drilling through my bomb proof concrete walls to hang stuff. Delhi home is looking good though. I like that bar area!
Yay!!! I love seeing pictures of your pad, and it already looks so much homier...it's amazing what a few nails in the wall can do. I also love the shelf near the kitchen door. Very nice! The only thing is...does my bed still fit on the floor between the tv and the built-in hutch? :)
Lots of love to my favorite Indians!
You outted me on m own blog! I'd conveniently omitted all shots of that part of the room. Yes, your bed is still in the same place (but the sheet has been changed)!
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