October 19, 2007

Black Eyed Peas and Beyonce in India

Yes, I've been slacking on my blog in recent weeks, but with good reason. More to come on that later.
What do the Black Eyed Peas and Beyonce have in common?
Both will perform in India in concerts that are co-sponsored by Accenture. The Black Eyed Peas performed in Bangalore on October 16th and Beyonce will perform in Mumbai on October 27th. I guess with 35,000+ employees in India, the majority under the age of 30, Accenture sees a lot of value in co-sponsoring concerts. Unfortunately for me, conservative Delhi is not a concert hot spot (although Akon did perform here the other week), so unless I'm planning a trip down to Bangalore or Mumbai in the near future, I will have to miss out on these and any other concerts that pop up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey chanda! do you know that my company (DNA NETWORKS) is the event management company whiwh handle all international concerts in india? so we are the one who bring BEP and now BEYONCE...so i will be in mumbai from oct 27th.... i just have a question, my english is not that good but if i understand what you wrote, did akon perform in delhi last week??? where??? please let me know! take care and see you soon. Emma