March 22, 2007

Hoya Saxa

I still can't believe I'm missing the best Georgetown basketball season in 10 years! As much as I would like to, it's hard to keep up on the games real-time because of the time difference and the fact that no one cares about college basketball here. I was laughed at last weekend when I called a bar last week to see if they could show any of the games. The Cricket World Cup had just started and that's a priority for everyone here.

But, I will be watching the Georgetown-Vanderbilt game this week at the US Embassy! As it turns out the one American I'm friends with here works at the embassy and graduated from Vanderbilt. He's invited me to join him at 5am Saturday morning to warch out teams battle it out at that Meadowslands. While it's not as great as watching the game FROM the Meadowlands, as some of my friends will be doing, it's better than nothing.
So Saturday morning, bright and early, I will head to the US Embassy wearing my finest Georgetown gear!



Laura said...


Anonymous said...

actually, it is now the best georgetown basketball season in 22 years... WE'RE GOING TO ATLANTA!!!