Tonight is the big night, Delhi's Biggest Bash. Nic and Louise are throwing a party to celebrate: 1) Louise's 25th Birthday, which is today, 2) Louise's last weekend in India, and 3) Nic's Housewarming. They been planning the party for months and it's sure to be quite a celebration. They've ordered a ton of alcohol, rented supplies from the golf club and requisitioned a kebab cart from one of our favorite kebab stands. And since the party will be mostly outdoors, they even ordered heat lamps for the terrace.
Unfortunately today was also Louise's last day at work. This meant I spent the day with her and her clients working on our transition. It also involved an early morning for me (I had to get up at 7:30am!) and about 2 hours in the car. While this would be difficult for me on any given day, it was especially hard today because I'm suffering from jet lag. I had a rather sleepless night last night and spent the hours of 4am to 6am wide awake. In any case, I made it through the day (barely), but was able to climb back into my bed at 4pm for a 3 hour nap. I hope this means I'm in good form for the party tonight.
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